Announcing WebSocket APIs in Amazon API GatewayInfra/AWS 2019. 8. 27. 16:41
아래의 serverless websocket 튜토리얼을 진행하는데
How to build a React chat app with AWS API Gateway WebSockets, Custom Lambda Authorizer
AWS announced the launch of a widely-requested feature: WebSockets for Amazon API Gateway few days ago…
aws에서 제공하는 기본 예제를 선행학습으로 해야해서
기록에 남긴다.
AWS API Gateway에서 websocket 제공
Announcing WebSocket APIs in Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
This post is courtesy of Diego Magalhaes, AWS Senior Solutions Architect – World Wide Public Sector-Canada & JT Thompson, AWS Principal Software Development Engineer – Amazon API Gateway Starting today, you can build bidirectional communication application
예제 소스 Github
This SAM application provides the Lambda functions, DynamoDB table, and roles to allow you to build a simple chat application based on API Gateway's new WebSocket-based API feature. - aws-samp...
먼저 Github에서 예제소스를 clone 한다.
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마지막 명령어 실행 결과이다.
API Gateway
실행 테스트
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